Chapter 1: The Science Behind Insomnia
What is Insomnia?
The Two Types of Insomnia
The Causes of Insomnia
The Risk Factors of Insomnia
Chapter 2: The Brain of an Insomniac
How The Mind Works
The Mind And The Brainwaves
Day Vs Night
The Myths
The Brain of The Restless Mind
The Gray Matter
The 5 Things You Do Every Morning
Chapter 4: The Cure: Natural and Artificial Remedy
1. Artificial Remedy
2. Natural Remedy
(i) Go Camping
(ii) Music Therapy
(iii) Power Down For Better Sleep
(iv) Sleep In A Cool Room
(v) Break A Sweat
Chapter 5: Lifestyle Modification for Insomniac
Chapter 6: Switching Off
Battling Insomnia
Stimulating Night = Bad Sleep
Never Miss Another Night of Sleep
How To ‘Switch Off’ At Night